Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sermorelin better than GH and Likely Safer

Many people using GH do not realize they are AGING their pituitary GH producing system . Why should your Pituitary remain alive and vibrant when there is no signal from the hypothalmus to keep it alive. The hypothalamic-Pituitary-GH signal is shut down by the external IGF-1 negative feeback system via GH injections. You can overdose with GH . Whereas if you use GHRF (Sermorelin acetate) which is growth hormone releasing factor you can not. An example would be Tetsoterone or Nandrolone-like anbolic hormomes (Deca, etc) injections. If continued at high does your testes would shrink and and the LH (Pituitary) signal to the testes to produce natural Testosterone would go Dead.

Sermorelin originally was FDA approved as GEREF (Serono Phrarm) in 1998 for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It is an analog (similar molecule) to your your own native GH Releasing Hormone (GHRH).

When injected ( SQ - under the skin) Sermoerelin activates-rejuvinates dormant pre-GH cells within your Pituitary to mature and also induces GH secretion via the mature GH cells. There is a natural safety feedback system where your body can not over produce GH via Hypothalamic Somatotostatin regulation - a natural regulation system controlling GH release .
GH injections override this natural control system.

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1 comment:

Jeny said...

Very nice blog. Thanks for sharing the nice information regarding Sermorelin.
Sermorelin Acetate Therapy